First 50 birds to sign up will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a new pair of HyperX headphones!

The Seminar
Level up your career game and pick up essential skills to stand out in the job market! Explore effective networking strategies, learn the art of creating a compelling pitch, and compete against others in a feedback-driven pitch competition.
View Recap
Gamified Learning

Musical Tables
Breaking the ice when joining a conversation

Slide Deck Roulette
Spontaneous thinking in the midst of chaos

Pitch Competition
Pitching to the pros for pointers and insight
15 min
Opening Ceremony
Check in starting at 9:00 AM
10:00 AM
75 min
Learn and practice the whole shabang of networking!
10:20 AM
30 min
Eat food - pizza.
11:40 AM
75 min
Learn to deliver gnarly presentations
12:15 PM
10 min
Prepare for a tapioca tornado - ChatGPT
1:35 PM
150 min
Pitch Competition
Pitch to judges, get the prizes
1:50 PM
30 min
Good vibes mandatory
4:25 PM
30 min
Financial Literacy
Learn to reduce losses
5:00 PM
20 min
Closing Ceremony
Wind down, winners announced, and reflecting on the fun-filled day
5:35 PM
Meet the Judges

Paulina Laba

Kevin Popović

Kathryn Sebuck

Marissa Steketee

April Wensel
Thank You Sponsors!

We have an assortment of amazing prizes for our participants to win, including HyperX gaming gear!

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a soft skill seminar?
- Workshops: Industry professionals will talk about an assortment of topics they have found to be useful in their career. They will focus on a small part of each topic (such as storytelling during a pitch) and share their deep understanding of how to do it effectively. Each workshop will have two breakouts so you can pick which sub-topic is best for you!
- Gamified Activities: We are working with experts in the education space to guide you in learning soft skills. These activities are designed to provide instant feedback and provide a comfortable environment to practice what you learn in the workshops.
- Pitch Competition: After the workshops and activities, you will come up with a solution to a problem, and you will then pitch it to judges for feedback. Just like the real world, you can only use each opportunity once, but the judge you present to will give you feedback on how to improve your pitch!
How do I register?
Do I need experience with presenting, networking, etc?
Does it cost money to attend?

“Your greatest asset is you. Impact doesn’t happen solely through words, but through distinguishing your presence.”
— Brandon Joe, Co-Founder